As a continuation of previous writings about the humming bird pemasteran stone, now I present an article about the sound is great for stuffing a bird pemasteran pentet cendet or birds.
Once again I need to emphasize a note here:
1. This article I would like to contest the assessment by using the reference current bird (early 2011). References such as what? Well, the reference is an article titled Variations in the race track just a BIG WAY ... nonsense ... ..
2. No song or sound that really masteran be generalized as "good" for all types of birds. There is also no guarantee that the "pleasure" of certain judges or juries the same group with the other jurors when it provides an assessment on the race of birds chirping. Standard assessment of bird race (see article in the assessment procedure for the bird race) used the Bird Conservation Indonesia (PBI) another course or at least not exactly the same as that used by Papburi example.
3. Basically, the bird needs to be introduced with all the sound field so that as I wrote in the article sound field "mandatory" and "illegitimate" for a humming bird memaster stone. The goal is that our birds do not just stare at the racetrack when he was in the midst of dozens of other birds by various varuasi songs, rhythm and style.
4. Although the birds were introduced to the many variations of the field and track, he must have a sound that stands out so that it can provide the hallmark of the bird while in the arena of competition and therefore noticed and get full points from the jury.
5. For a varied field, you can download it from the articles in categories download. But for good sound quality and maximum results anyway, I still recommend you to use various sound masteran birds (more than 200 votes stuffing) from a CD or flash disks